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Reply To: Connecting to the Internet

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Connecting to the Internet Reply To: Connecting to the Internet

Scott Murrison

    Ok, I was able to get data from a mayfly with ultrasonic sensor to a mayfly connect to a computer via xbee radios. Everything is being read on a serial monitor. Now I want to connect the second mayfly to the internet so I can forward the data to a sql database. What hardware is needed to connect the mayfly to the internet? I know there is an Arduino Ethernet shield, but is it compatible with the mayfly? I am clueless when it comes to this. So far it has been google and youtube to the rescue to get the mayflys to communicate via xbee radios. However, I haven’t been able to find any tutorials specifically for connecting the mayfly to the internet. Is the mayfly the best option for the gateway, or would it be better to go with a Raspberry Pi or another adruino board?

    Thanks for the help.
