Deppi replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years ago
I found the issue with the help of a friend. It doesnt work with some board versions. Got it to work with esp8266 version 2.5. The only one ive tested that works but my friend told me that atleast 2 more works. Will update witch ones working!
Deppi replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years ago
Do you have any idea what could be the issue? Thanks
Deppi replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years ago
I just get 1byte but sometimes i get 2, the read too 0x03. So i dont really know whats wrong now lol.
Deppi replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years ago
Thank you very much! I got it to connect but reciving 1 bytes because of (CRC of response is not correct!)
Probably just me doing something wrong with delays!
Deppi replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years, 1 months ago
It would help me to help you if you would be more verbose and detailed in your responses.
Yeah sorry about that will try to answer better. Im really appreciative about your help!
You didn’t answer whether you, yourself, had every succeeded in communicating with the sensor in any other way. I assume that means no.
Yes you are right. Ive ne…[Read more]
Deppi replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years, 1 months ago
- Are you using breadboards or have you made a custom circuit of some kind? Post a picture.
Yes i put it in.
- By what is the Yosemitch sensor powered and at what voltage?
Connected in a levelshifter from a arduino mini pro.
- Exactly what RS485 to TTL adapter do you have connected between the A and B (green and white) of your Y500B and you…
Deppi replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years, 1 months ago
Got information now that it is the y-500b does that even work with this library?
Deppi replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years, 1 months ago
Yeah i use the arduino ide on my nodemcu. Im testing the sensor with the yosemite displayvalues library.
The thing i meant with own code was that the one working on this project before didnt give me anything like source code or explenation how he did work everything out.
Its searching all the slaveids and cant find the sensor. I use pin D6 for…[Read more]
Deppi replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years, 1 months ago
I use softwareserial and ive heard that it work but dont really know. But i am continuing some code for a module. As i couldnt download his code i made it from scratch. Acording to how i connected it it seems like its connected to the nodemcu but actually i dont really know sadly
Deppi replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years, 1 months ago
Yeah im sorry was really tired but its working now. Do you or someone know if there is a library for the nodemcu?
Deppi replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years, 1 months ago
I have them all installed but the examples says they are not compatible and when i type in the includes it says it cant find them
sensors/YosemitechY504.h: No such file or directory
Deppi replied to the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years, 1 months ago
Thanks for your answer although i got all the correct libraries and can see the one im looking for. The arduino ide still dont recognize it sadly.
Deppi started the topic Yosemite library cant be found! in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years, 1 months ago
Hello! I downloaded envirodiy library for the arduino ide. The problem is that my arduino program finds it outdated and cant find the h files im trying to include. I would really appreciate if someone have experienced this problem before and can help me!
Thanks in advance, Jesper!
Deppi became a registered member 5 years, 1 months ago