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  4. 6. Field Supplies Checklist

6. Field Supplies Checklist

Last updated on 2023-03-22

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PurposeEquipment and supplies for site visits
GeneralField Visit Data form
GeneralWaders (knee, hip, or chest)
GeneralMechanical pencils
GeneralField notebook
GeneralFirst aid kit
Data downloadCombination to logger box lock
Data downloadMicroSD card
Data downloadMicroSD card adaptor
Station maintenanceSensor brush
Station maintenancePliers
Station maintenanceHose clamp driver
Station maintenanceVegetation snips, shears, loppers, etc.
Supplemental sampling (discharge measurement)Discharge Data form
Supplemental sampling (discharge measurement)Flow meter
Supplemental sampling (discharge measurement)Neutrally buoyant object
Supplemental sampling (discharge measurement)Stopwatch
Supplemental sampling (discharge measurement)Measuring tape (tagline) – 50 m
Supplemental sampling (discharge measurement)Survey rod or meter stick
Supplemental sampling (grab samples)Grab sample bottles (pre-labeled)
Supplemental sampling (grab samples)Cooler
Supplemental sampling (grab samples)Ice or ice packs (for cooling grab sample on-site)
Supplemental sampling (grab sample shipping)Shipping bags
Supplemental sampling (grab sample shipping)Insulated grab sample bags
Supplemental sampling (grab sample shipping)Ice packs
Supplemental sampling (grab sample shipping)Ziploc bags
Supplemental sampling (grab sample shipping)Chain-of-custody forms
Supplemental sampling (grab sample shipping)FedEx pre-paid/pre-filled shipping labels
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