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Reply To: Problems compiling Logging_to_EnviroDIY example in ModularSensors

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Problems compiling Logging_to_EnviroDIY example in ModularSensors Reply To: Problems compiling Logging_to_EnviroDIY example in ModularSensors

Sara Damiano

    Great that you’re using PlatformIO; it really is a big improvement over the Arduino IDE!

    Do you mind sharing your platformio.ini file? It should look very much like this:

    The “lib_ignore = RTCZero” is needed for AVR boards (like the EnviroDIY Mayfly). That library is for SAMD boards (like a Sodaq Autonomo or Arduino Zero) that have a clock in the processor. If you don’t tell PlatformIO to ignore the library it will try to build it and you’ll end up with errors like you’re seeing. Also the “lib_ldf_mode = deep” might be needed because sometimes it misses dependencies otherwise.