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Reply To: Systems not recognized from 12th( v0.15.0?)

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    Well, I’m back at my desk, with a Mayfly and powered it up, and I’m posting to

    Host: monitormywatershed.org

    and getting

    — Response Code — 301 waited  326 mS Timeout 8000

    If I change it to

    Host: data.envirodiy.org

    — Response Code — 201 waited  577 mS Timeout 8000

    From   https://github.com/ODM2/ODM2DataSharingPortal/issues/542

    aufdenkampe commented on Dec 20, 2021

    so, the main host URL that you should be using on devices is monitormywatershed.org. For a couple of years now, data.enviroDIY.org is just a DNS alias that will get redirected to monitormywatershed.org, even for POST requests from devices.

    However it seems I got out on the “bleeding edge”  because somehow

    const char* EnviroDIYPublisher::enviroDIYHost       = “data.envirodiy.org”;

    Also seems discussed here


    @heather @srgdamiano – just wondering where the source of truth is for this URL. ?