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Reply To: XBee and Hologram LTE: issues connecting to internet

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger XBee and Hologram LTE: issues connecting to internet Reply To: XBee and Hologram LTE: issues connecting to internet

Sara Damiano

    No, I don’t think those command suggestions from your IoT provider will help much.

    The CPIN command checks if your SIM is locked by a pin number.  If your SIM provider didn’t mention it and give you the pin number, you shouldn’t need it.

    The proper equivalent to theCREG command is already being used in the gsmModem.isNetworkConnected() command on line 155 of the first run sketch.

    The COPS=? command is the same as the AS command on line 147.

    You don’t see exactly those commands in the code because you’re not talking to the u-blox chip directly; you’re talking to a Digi programmed processor that’s talking to the u-blox chip.  You can issue commands directly to the u-blox chip by switching your XBee3 from Digi recommended “transparent” mode to “bypass” mode.  It might be necessary to do that to adjust the band scanning to exactly match your provider, but hopefully just setting the profile will work.