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Reply To: MayFly Capability with Northern Widget Walrus Sensor

Home Forums Environmental Sensors MayFly Capability with Northern Widget Walrus Sensor Reply To: MayFly Capability with Northern Widget Walrus Sensor

Sara Damiano

    I2C and RS485 are two different communication protocols.  They specify what change marks a 1 or a 0 when transferring information.  I2C also (mostly) specifies the question-and-answer format.  So knowing you have I2C firmware gets you some of the way there, but not very far.  You need to know what question to ask the board and what it’s response will be.

    I’m guessing this is the firmware they gave you:  https://github.com/NorthernWidget-Skunkworks/Project-Walrus/blob/master/Firmware/Walrus_I2C_5BA/Walrus_I2C_5BA.ino.  That would be the program the microcontroller on the Walrus itself is running, not what the Mayfly needs to run to talk to it.