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Reply To: MayFly Capability with Northern Widget Walrus Sensor

Home Forums Environmental Sensors MayFly Capability with Northern Widget Walrus Sensor Reply To: MayFly Capability with Northern Widget Walrus Sensor

Sara Damiano

    Bobby Shultz or Northern Widget did some of the work to incorporate the MPL115A into ModularSensors, but I haven’t followed what they’ve been doing.

    It looks like this Walrus thing has an on-board processor that in between the Mayfly and the MPL115A.   So you need to use whatever protocol they’ve developed for themselves not the MPL’s I2C protocol.  It looks like they have both I2C and RS485 firmware available and some instructions on how to upload the firmware to said on-board processor.  Do you know which you have?  Their demo code, true to it’s warning, is based on a library that doesn’t yet exist.  Have you tried contacting Northern Widget directly to ask for help?