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Reply To: XBee and Hologram LTE: issues connecting to internet

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger XBee and Hologram LTE: issues connecting to internet Reply To: XBee and Hologram LTE: issues connecting to internet

Sara Damiano

    -45?  The nominal RSSI range for the XBee3 is -113 dBm (really bad) to -51 dBm (excellent) so -45 either means your signal is *amazing* or not valid.  I made a small change to that program to continuously print the quality so you can watch it to see if it changes while trying to register.  When running that first connection sketch, are you seeing lots of 22 or 23responses (searching for the network) or are you getting 25‘s (denied)?  Can you copy the output from running for a minute or two and post it?

    Your pictures of your set-up look good.  The battery’s not dead, right?  Try (gently) wiggling the antenna to make sure its secure.

    Are you sure there is AT&T signal available?