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Reply To: Response code 504 sending data to data.envirodiy.org

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Response code 504 sending data to data.envirodiy.org Reply To: Response code 504 sending data to data.envirodiy.org


    I was able to compile and upload the sketch using PlatformIO on Atom, however the Response Code 504 persists. I used the ModularSensors Library version 0.23.16. Since the data is being written to the microSD card and the 2G cell modem is sending the data to EnviroDIY, I am out of ideas on why the EnviroDIY host is not able to take the data. I double checked all the UUIDs again, they are all correct.

    Any other ideas on what could be going wrong? I am getting no error messages, so its difficult to debug anything.
