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Reply To: logging to mmw with GPRSbee rev.7, issue wake/sleep and server response 504

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed logging to mmw with GPRSbee rev.7, issue wake/sleep and server response 504 Reply To: logging to mmw with GPRSbee rev.7, issue wake/sleep and server response 504


    Dear all, a brief follow up on this issue. I have redone the same system to log to MMW. I am sending 4 measurements Bat_volt, MaximDS3231_Temp, Modem_RSSI, Modem_SignalPercent. After enabling debugging I do not get any disturbing messages about the functioning of the Sodaq GPRSbee rev7, however I am still getting the response code 504 (gateway timeout), related to the server.

    The same systems does send data to ThingSpeak. I receive about 40% of the data online (so I expect the modem work correctly). After enabling debugging for logging to ThingSpeak I do not get any disturbing messages. Signal strength is about 50% and seems good enough.
    Unfortunately both options (MMW and ThingSpeak) still don’t get me at the level I would like to be. If someone has the same experience or any Ideas how to improve the reliability, please let me know.