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Reply To: Newbie Mayfly Setup for RS485 sensor to internet

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Newbie Mayfly Setup for RS485 sensor to internet Reply To: Newbie Mayfly Setup for RS485 sensor to internet


    Thanks for the status 🙂 very much appreciate its a a work in progress – sometimes it just figuring it out. Its great to have it visible on github and to get pointers.
    For software stability, testing is everything, and the options for boards and modems are a matrix.
    For the record using the Xbee WiFi S6 hybrid, the current master branch as of this date needs updates to ModemOnOff.cpp to manage the PowerOnOff
    With those updates I ran the Xbee Wifi last night posting to data.envirodiy.org
    However alot the changes/work that has been performed since May and ModemOnOff.cpp functions are merged into another class – and I’m still exploring what has changed – so will continue that when the changes are released.

    I do appreciate everyone’s pointers – and also when there is a lot of work being released – sometimes the best for any outsider (me) is just to support with testing when it becomes appropriate, and of course lots of learning about the changes.