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Reply To: Newbie Mayfly Setup for RS485 sensor to internet

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Newbie Mayfly Setup for RS485 sensor to internet Reply To: Newbie Mayfly Setup for RS485 sensor to internet


    Just wondering is anybody is using the Digi Xbee S6 module.
    I’m trying it as my first test module
    I have an open guest wifi that I’ve used.
    It initialled configured it -.
    const char *wifiId = “MyGuest”; // The WiFi access point, unnecessary for gprs
    const char *wifiPwd = “”; // The password for connecting to WiFi, unnecessary for gprs
    It powered up, and didn’t appear to work.
    So enabled logging that I could find.
    it became all strange..
    I put it on XCTU/XBIB to read it and could see it did the WiFiID – but then it started behaving strangely
    So I’ve changed to this
    #if defined(TINY_GSM_MODEM_XBEE)
    const long ModemBaud = 9600; // Default for XBee is 9600, I’ve sped mine up to 57600
    const int8_t modemSleepRqPin = -1;//23; // Modem SleepRq Pin (for sleep requests) (-1 if unconnected)
    const int8_t modemStatusPin = -1;//BEECTS;//19; // Modem Status Pin (indicates power status) (-1 if unconnected)
    const int8_t modemVCCPin = -1; // Modem power pin, if it can be turned on or off (-1 if unconnected)
    ModemSleepType ModemSleepMode = modem_sleep_reverse; // How the modem is put to sleep

    and from reset I get the following
    with the last two sets of commands goign to the XBEE WiFi
    ATAC\r response OK\r
    ATHS\r 601\r
    ATCN\r OK\r
    +++ response OK\r
    ATS1\r OK\r
    ATS0200\r OK\r
    ATWR\r OK\r
    ATAC\r OK\r
    ATCN\r OK\r
    then nothing ….
    It looks like it looses or is reinitialized from knowing its an XBEE Wifi
    Any suggestions on how to configure Xbee WiFi. I haven’t worked through the AT cmd set as I think I’m doing something wrong 🙁

    —————-The terminal output from reset—
    Now running logging_to_EnviroDIY.ino on Logger nh06b
    Logger timezone is UTC-8
    RTC timezone is UTC
    Creating a new on/off method for the Digi XBee with power on pin -1 status on pin -1 and on/off by holding pin -1 low.
    Creating a new TinyGSM modem and client for the Digi XBee…
    Initializing Digi XBee…
    [1863] ### Modem: Digi XBee® Wi-Fi
    … Complete!
    Modem attached!
    Pin 8 set as LED alert pin
    Pin 21 set as testing mode entry pin
    Registration token set!
    Sampling feature UUID set!
    Current RTC time is: 2000-01-02T18:01:54-08:00
    Setting up logger nh06b to record at 10 minute intervals.
    This logger has a variable array with 7 variables, of which 7 come from 4 sensors and 0 are calculated.
    Successfully connected to SD Card with card/slave select on pin 12
    Opened existing file: nh06b_2000-01-02.csv
    Data will be saved as nh06b_2000-01-02.csv
    This logger is also tied to a NO MODEM SELECTED for internet connectivity.
    Turning modem on.
    Skipping modem in sensor power up!
    Skipping modem in sensor power down!
    Attempting to synchronize RTC with NIST
    This may take up to two minutes!

    Waiting up to 5 seconds for modem to respond to AT commands…

    Modem does not respond to AT commands!
    Turning modem off.
    Push button on pin 21 at any time to enter sensor testing mode.
    Logger setup finished!

    Current Unix Timestamp: 946836120
    Logging interval in seconds: 600
    Mod of Logging Interval: 120
    Number of Readings so far: 0
    Mod of 120: 0
    Time marked at (unix): 946836120
    year: 2000
    month: 1
    date: 2
    hour: 18
    minute: 2
    second: 0
    Time marked at [char]: 2000-01-02T18:02:00-08:00
    Time to log!