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Reply To: Newbie Mayfly Setup for RS485 sensor to internet

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Newbie Mayfly Setup for RS485 sensor to internet Reply To: Newbie Mayfly Setup for RS485 sensor to internet

Sara Damiano

    @neilh – Thank you!

    You can connect and send data at a different rate than you log it by essentially creating two different logger objects and setting them to different intervals. The “data_saving” and “double_logger” examples each do slight variants on this right now. You just can’t use the easy “log” function like in the data_to_envirodiy example.

    Right now, there isn’t any fall back for sending missed data. Data gets sent right after it’s created or never. It is all logged to a SD card though! I’ve thought about trying to create a buffer of un-sent data, but I haven’t come up with a decent way of doing it and it hasn’t been a high priority for me. If you have ideas, though, let me know!