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Reply To: Beyond 2G cellular modems?

Home Forums Infrastructure and Equipment Beyond 2G cellular modems? Reply To: Beyond 2G cellular modems?


    Hi neilh,

    Thanks for the info. As for the Onset U30, we’re trying to avoid paying the big bucks for commercial equipment, plus we’re designing our own custom sensors and dataloggers…hence the Arduino WSN.

    Particle’s electron looks interesting…available in 2G/3G, Arduino compatible with libraries, and running on AT&T networks (service available at my remote mine site in eastern KY), all good. Sadly, they’ve run out and are not available until 11/15!

    NimbeLink also looks interesting, but I was hoping for something less esoteric and easier to program with available libraries such as available from Sparkfun and Adafruit. Do you know more about using these?

    The commercial grade Cradlepoint modem looks nice but expensive, and similar to (yet a little cheaper) the Sierra GX series recommended to me by folks from Metronome (who build the Neomotes I’ll also be using and comparing to our Arduino-based WSN).

    Question: do you know of an app for iPhone that’s similar to the “GSM Field Test Pro” you mention? I tried to find something like that on iTunes but no luck. That would be great in remote eastern KY.

    Again, thanks a bunch…I think the Particle electron looks the most promising!
